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Advantages of DSP Enhancements for Demandbase Advertising Customers: 50% Increase in Lift and 33% Increase in CTRs

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    New Identity Resolution Features Improve Buyer Prioritization and Outcomes

    , /PRNewswire/ -- Demandbase, the Smarter GTM™ company for B2B brands, today announced enhancements to the people-based advertising capabilities in the company's B2B demand side platform (DSP). These changes and more have resulted in dramatically improved campaign benchmarks, with testing showing an increase in account lift of 50% and click-through rate (CTR) of 33%. Now, in addition to Demandbase's unique approach of using intent data to identify and target B2B buyers, these new features allow customers to prioritize specific individuals (in aggregate), personas, and buyer groups. This provides the best of both worlds in identification and targeting technology, creating the most scalable, effective, and economical way to reach B2B buying committees.

    "Since implementing Demandbase's people-based advertising, we've created more than 50 campaigns targeting our North American and European target accounts and customer base," said Rachel Jones, senior director of marketing at TraceGains. "We couldn't be happier with the improved targeting capabilities. We are more confident than ever that our digital spend through Demandbase's DSP is reaching the right buyers and doing so efficiently!"

    The first of the new enhancements Demandbase released allows known individuals to be prioritized within a campaign. When customers already have first-party contact data for individuals, including names and email addresses, Demandbase will prioritize them whenever an impression opportunity arises. This means that more advertising budget will be spent targeting the right influencers and decision-makers. The second enhancement allows customers to prioritize specific job levels, job functions, or a combination of the two, tapping into Demandbase's 115+ million global B2B contacts to find and target the right individuals.

    "Our customers have already created over 1,000 campaigns using these new people-based advertising capabilities," said Russell Martin, director of product marketing at Demandbase. "Demandbase will continue to innovate and optimize our B2B advertising technology to improve precision and reachability of targeted accounts and individuals, all while staying privacy conscious."

    To learn more, visit here.

    About Demandbase
    Demandbase is Smarter GTM™ for B2B brands. We help marketing and sales teams spot the juiciest opportunities earlier and progress them faster by injecting Account Intelligence into every step of the buyer journey and orchestrating every action. For more information about Demandbase, visit www.demandbase.com

    SOURCE Demandbase


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