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Data from pump-in, pump-out and cross-selling

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    Brian Pasch

    Founder of PCG Companies and BPE Enterprises, Brian Pasch is a thought leader, effective strategy driver, and industry change agent. In tune with the fast pace of the digital marketing environment, he successfully leads OEMs, dealers/dealer groups, and ad agencies by helping them harness data, eliminate waste, and incorporate efficient marketing tactics.


    Article information

    Author: Jeremy Davenport

    Last Updated: 1703364362

    Views: 1305

    Rating: 4.4 / 5 (106 voted)

    Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Jeremy Davenport

    Birthday: 1943-05-04

    Address: 54777 Andrea Shoal Apt. 571, West Eric, VT 80541

    Phone: +4197858083275648

    Job: Human Resources Manager

    Hobby: Camping, Card Collecting, Surfing, Fencing, Origami, Fishing, Amateur Radio

    Introduction: My name is Jeremy Davenport, I am a rich, variegated, dedicated, expert, Determined, radiant, risk-taking person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.