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Top 4-3-3 (4) Moves in FIFA 23

Here are the best tactics for the 4-3-3 (4) formation in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team.

4-3-3 (4) Formation in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team

A good formation is essential in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team.

You could possess some of the greatest players in the game, such as Kylian Mbappe, Neymar and Lionel Messi - but if you don't know how to deploy them, then life is going to be very difficult for you in EA's football simulator.

This is why you need to be very careful with your selection, and we believe one of the elite tier formations is the 4-3-3 (4).

Despite the game coming to the end of it's life and with EA Sports FC just around the corner, the best custom tactics you can use for the 4-3-3 (4) formation in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team are as follows.

Custom Tactics For 4-3-3 (4) FIFA 23 Formation

FIFA 23 Front Cover

Here are, in our opinion, the best custom tactics for the 4-3-3 (4) formation in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team:


  • Defensive Style: Balanced
  • Width: 50
  • Depth: 60


  • Build-Up Play: Balanced
  • Chance Creation: Direct Passing
  • Width: 55
  • Players in Box: 3
  • Corners: 1
  • Free Kicks: 2

Instructions For 4-3-3 (4) FUT Formation FIFA 23

Here are the instructions we believe are best suited to each position for the 4-3-3 (4) formation.


  • Saving on Crosses: Balanced
  • Saving Outside Box: Balanced

Center Backs

  • Attacking Support: Stay Back While Attacking
  • Interceptions: Normal Interceptions
  • Defensive Position: Stick to Position

Full Backs

  • Attacking Runs: Stay Back While Attacking
  • Interceptions: Normal Interceptions
  • Run Type: Mixed Attack
  • Defensive Position: Stick to Position

Left-Sided Central Midfielder

  • Attacking Support: Balanced Attack
  • Support on Crosses: Stay on Edge of Box for Cross
  • Interceptions: Aggressive Interceptions
  • Positioning Freedom: Stick to Position
  • Defensive Position: Cover Wing
Borussia Dortmund's Stadium in FIFA 23

Right-Sided Central Midfielder

  • Attacking Support: Balanced Attack
  • Support on Crosses: Get Into Box for Cross
  • Interceptions: Normal Interceptions
  • Positioning Freedom: Stick to Position
  • Defensive Position: Cover Wing

Centre Attacking Midfielder

  • Attacking Support:
  • Support on Crosses: Balanced Crossing Runs
  • Interceptions: Normal Interceptions
  • Positioning Freedom: Stick to Position
  • Defensive Position: Cover Centre


  • Support Runs: Balanced Width
  • Attacking Runs: Mixed Attack
  • Interceptions: Normal Interceptions
  • Defensive Support: Stay Forward


  • Support Runs: Stay Central
  • Attacking Runs: Get in Behind
  • Interceptions: Normal Interceptions
  • Defensive Support: Basic Defence Support

How good is the 4-3-3 (4) formation in FIFA 23?

EA Sports FIFA Logo

The 4-3-3 (4) formation is undeniably the best 4-3-3-based formation in FIFA 23.

What sets this apart is the addition of a CAM slot, which provides unrivalled creativity in that midfield. The two accompanying CMs act as great cover and the rest of the side is just so well-balanced.

  • Verdict: 9/10


Article information

Author: Michele Smith

Last Updated: 1702943282

Views: 745

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (58 voted)

Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Michele Smith

Birthday: 1952-07-09

Address: 0575 Bennett Landing Apt. 706, North Beverlyberg, NH 27316

Phone: +4518360003857092

Job: Radio DJ

Hobby: Wildlife Photography, Cycling, Stargazing, Board Games, Swimming, Robotics, Table Tennis

Introduction: My name is Michele Smith, I am a sincere, valuable, important, forthright, accomplished, receptive, rare person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.